tipe laki-laki idaman saya berubah ^^
yatta ne~
sekarang aku ingin dia yang berhati lembut~ dan dewasa? hahha ya, juga yg agak polos,,, yg jelas dia harus jujur dan hangat,, apa adanya ^~^ laki2 yg berhati lembut dan tegas, aaaaaaaaaa kimochiii <3
Doa ku...
Ya Allloh.. Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang.... Ya Alloh Engkau Yang Maha Kuasa atas segaLa sesuatu~ Maha Pemberi dan Maha PenoLong,, pertemukanlah aku dengannya Ya Robb... jodohkanlah diriku dengannya Ya Robb... laki-laki yang akan menjadi Imam bagi keluargaku yang mencintai Keluargaku dan membawa kami menjadi mukmin yang taat, Hanya kepadamu Ya Robb hamba menyembah dan hanya kepadaMu hamba memohon pertolongan, hamba meminta,, hamba tidak meminta kepada manusia Ya Robb,, hamba meminta Hanya KepadaMu...
Kabulkanlah permohonan Hamba Ya Robb...
Jodohkanlah diriku dengan laki-laki yang parasnya setampan hatinya... Yang MencintaiMu Ya Robb...
Yang taat dan takut KepadaMu Ya Robb... laki-laki,, imamku,,, yang seLaLu berdzikir menyebut NamaMu Ya Robb... Yang ia menjadikan Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW sebagai panutannya Ya Robb,,, KekasihMu Ya Robb... Allohuma Sholli 'Alaa Syaidina Muhammad...
laki-laki yang jika akan melakukan kesalahan selalu teringat akan dosa dan laki-laki yang seLaLu mendapat perlindungan dariMu Ya Robb...
laki-laki yang memiliki Hati dan budi pekerti, Berkecukupan dan dapat menjadi panutan serta dapat memberikan pertolongan bagi mereka yang kekurangan, Hanya KepadaMu Ya Robb Yang Maha Pemberi rizki.... Laki-laki yang dapat memberikan panutan bagi anak-anak kami Ya Robb,,, Anak-anak adalah rizki dariMu Ya Robb... semoga anak-anakku kelak akan menjadi Anak yang Sholeh dan sholeha,,, buah hatiku yanag akan menjadi pembawa kebahagiaan atas izin dariMu Ya Robb... Anak-anak yang lafalnya selalu menyebutkan namaMu Ya Robb... anak-anak yang hanya atas izin dariMu dapat Hafiz Qur'an Ya Robb...
Hamba mendambakan Hamba mengharapkan Keluarga yang sakinah warohmah.. Keluarga yang mencintaiMu dan RosuLMu dan Menjadikan AlQur'an sebagai KibLatnya,, sebagai pedoman untuk hidup bahagia dunia dan di akhirat... Robbanaa aatina fi dunyaa hasanah fawil akhirooti hasanah wa kinaa azaa bannar...
hanya atas Izin dariMu Lah kami dapat menerima Rizki darimu, kesehatan dan Kemuliaan Hanya MiLikMu...
Ya Robb...
Allohumaa Amin...
beberapa tokoh anime cowo yang saat ini dapat menyentuh hatiku karena kelembutan hatinya ^~^
hatiku yang telah membeku oleh kehangatan makhluk yg bernama cowok, mulai tersentuh dengan kengatan para cowok berhati lembut ini, ^^
After a few months, he once tried to visit Ohana. But because the day he went out was the same day everything was chaotic at the inn, he decided to go home without meeting her. They meet up though when Ohana visits Tokyo, to attempt to bring her mom back with her. Here it is found out that a co-worker of Koichi holds feelings for him, though he rejects her saying that he had someone else in mind. Ohana and Koichi later have dinner together and they go back to their old selves for a while at least. Ohana runs out shortly afterwards.
He still seems to hold feelings for her, despite their distance. However, he seemingly rejects her over the phone by simply saying "See ya", which means there might not be a next time, when Ohana finally realizes her feelings for him. In episode 23, it is confirmed that he had not fully rejected Ohana and still holds feelings for her. His feelings are reinforced when he sees a video with Ohana working hard in it.

tokoh dari anime Kimi no todoke
Shota Kazehaya | |
Shota Kazehaya | |
Profile | |
Japanese Name | 風早 翔太 |
Nickname | Kazehaya |
Birthdate | 15 May |
Age | 17 |
Blood Type | O |
Sign | Taurus |
Height | 175 cm [5'9"] |
Weight | 60 kg [132 lbs] |
Life Philosophy | "Be guided by the truth" |
Voice Actor | Daisuke Namikawa |
Shota Kazehaya (風早 翔太, Kazehaya Shōta) is Sawako's outgoing and friendly classmate as well as her friend. He was so popular in middle school that he ended up with girls constantly wanting to confess to him. So many girls liked him in fact that they formed all ended up forming the "Kazehaya is Everyone's" Alliance in order to maintain some level of peace among his admirers. More
than half of these girls now attend the same high school as Kazehaya, which has helped make him very popular in highschool as well. Kazehaya has held a long standing interest in Sawako and admits (though not to Sawako) that he likes her, unaware that she feels the same for him. He often gets jealous of anyone who has the chance to spend alone time with her.
During their second year of high school, he begins to wonder if she actually likes him at all after she does not give him chocolates on Valentine's Day. He doesn't learn until much later that Sawako had simply been too nervous to give him any. He becomes calmer and shows a depressed, expressionless face more often after he begins to wonder over her feelings for him. However, after being confronted by Ryuu (influenced by Chizuru) and Pin, Kazehaya goes to Sawako as his friends jokingly remark that he likes Sawako. Kazehaya takes the remark seriously and agrees, subsequently confessing directly to Sawako.
Shota is known by many people for being outgoing and cheerful, and Sawako stated herself that she felt Shota was made out of cheerfulness itself. He has always been cheerful and energetic around Sawako, as he wanted to see her smile again and was interested in her, not realizing it was out of feelings of love. He even admitted he had acted however he wanted around Sawako at first. Shota is a caring person to everyone, as he has always helped Sawako, and never wants her to cry. He even comforted Kurumi in middle school, when he asked her if something really was wrong, since he could tell she was crying even though she didn't show it.
Despite these good traits, Shota is known for having many bad traits, which he himself notes. He has admitted to Sawako himself that he is a selfish person, although she said she did not mind. When talking with Ryu, he admits that he's a selfish person who wants everything his way, and was jealous of those who were near Sawako, and Ryu also notes he has a short- temper.
He is shown to be a bit oblivious at times, as at first he thought Sawako's admiration was feelings of love until he realized after, leaving him to be embarassed at himself. He also thought Kurumi actually liked Pin, but finds out Kurumi's true feelings. He also does not realize Sawako actually loves him, as he thought Sawako just didn't hate him, until he starts to think he is an annoyance to Sawako, only hurting her more. He is also shown to be dedicated to Sawako, as he rejected Kurumi when she confessed her feelings to him, admitting he was truly in love with someone, which was Sawako.
Tōru Sanada (真田 徹, Sanada Tōru)
- Birthday: 11. November
- Age: 24 - 26
- Zodiac Sign:
- Blood Type: 0
- Family: Ryu Sanada, Father, Mother
Tōru is Ryu's older brother by eight years and Chizuru's crush since she was young. Although he is Ryu's brother and they resemble one another, their personalities are nearly opposite.
Tōru resembles Kazehaya personality-wise and looks extremely refreshing, except much more mature.
He lives three hours away from his parents' house and returns home to get married.[1]
He cares about Ryu and Chizuru a lot and loves Chizuru like a little sister. He calls her Chi because when she says it, it looks like she's smiling.
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